

ADC Forum

Anton Roux

CEO, ADC Forum

Anton has a Bachelor of Laws (University of Melbourne) and a Bachelor of Science in neuroscience with Honours (University of Melbourne). He has worked as program adviser for the Federation series of the Alfred Deakin lectures. He has worked with the World Economic Forum in Davos over several years. Anton has also worked in corporate advisory, investment analysis, property development and commercial and intellectual property law including as an intellectual property lawyer with Minter Ellison. He has been a writer and freelance researcher. More recently, Anton has led the development of the ADC Forum and its evolution into a major think tank, playing a significant role in Australian society at all levels including significant impacts on public policy and long-term strategic transformation. He designs deeply creative and provocative programs. He assembles a diversity of peoples and perspectives into a vibrant learning community. He also has a significant number of publications.